untuk yang kali ini, saya akan berikan sebuah sistem operasi KHUSUS buat anda yang pecinta game.sistem operasi Windows XP SP3 PRO gamer hanya berukuran 150MB.dan link lokal sudah bisa di pakai untuk anda yang mendownloadnya.
lebih jelas nya tentang Windows XP SP3 PRO gamer :
- windows ini di khusus kan untuk kinerja games
- Based On Windows Xp Sp3 MSDN RTM VLK (activated)
- waktu penginstalan hanya kurang lebih 11 menit
- First Boot Ram "Without driver" installed "45mb"(45mb+1.5mb"Task Manager"=46.5mb)
- Processes Handle By CPU only "14"
- Dukungan terbesar untuk pemakaian HDD ( Harddisk ) sebesar 2 TeraByte lebih
- Kecepatan waktu Booting tergantung Rig System anda
Minimum System Requirements (unknow stability)
Best System SPECIFICATIONS (mutimedia spec)
High System SPECIFICATIONS (gaming spec)
*Mod Release note*
- software compatibility 4 of5
- Gaming Perfomance 5 of5
- Security Support 4 of5
- Network Support 2 of5
Minimum System Requirements (unknow stability)
- CPU Running on 800mhz speed
- Ram 64mb
- 1gb of Hard Drive space
- 8mb vram
- Cpu Running on 1,8Ghz
- Ram 128mb
- 2gb of Hard Drive space
- 16mb vram
Best System SPECIFICATIONS (mutimedia spec)
- CpU Running on 2,4ghz
- Ram 256mb
- 4gb of Hard Drive space
- 32mb vram
High System SPECIFICATIONS (gaming spec)
- Cpu Running on 3Ghz
- Ram 512mb
- 6gb of Hard Drive space
- 64mb vram
*Mod Release note*
- improve stability "online Gaming and Lan Gaming"
- enable "Peer to Peer Gaming(lan gaming)"
- free game crass (not by this os)
- remove "Luna theme"(because take more ram)
- clasic log on or off(for faster log on and shut down)
- Fixed Network "Error" Message
- rename project to XP_PROG_Sp3_r.0.0.5
- can't use automatic DHCP
- can't use sharing data
- can't use wifi(not suported for any notebook or any desktop pc using wifi)
- masalah pd tanda petik pd keyboard (") (solusi= tekan tanda " kemudian tekan space untuk memunculkan ")
- in task manager aplication run in unknow user[but by default application run by administrator right]
- Removed Old HardWare Driver
- never run msconfig or your boot time will increase(solution backup boot.ini)
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